Friday, September 11, 2009


Television. Kevin and I watch it a little bit (we don't have cable/satellite) but not when the kids are awake. Our girls didn't watch tv until they turned three years old, and what they watch is limited to PBS/Think Bright. To ease the guilt I have for planting A&O in front of the tv so Kevin and I can get ready for the day, I like to talk with A&O about what they watched and tell them stories about things that they have done, just like the characters, so they can relate better to the story.

Last week the two shows that A&O watch had episodes where the characters experienced "firsts." In the one show, Nanalan, the character Mona got her first haircut. A&O watched intently, without taking their eyes away from the television. I think this was most likely because they had decided they wanted to get their hair cut for the very first time. The airing of this episode was perfectly timed. I quickly got on the telephone and made arrangements for my multi-talented sister to come over for the Big First Haircuts.

A&O couldn't have been any better for this big First. They sat still, followed all instructions, and enjoyed every minute!

We all loved their new styles and I was thrilled to see their curls still intact!

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