Thursday, February 3, 2011

I surprised myself!

Yesterday the schools were closed due to snow so the girls had a nice, lazy morning in their jammie's and I had some extra time to work on my valance project. Guess what? I finished them! I like one of them better than the other so I may remake it (I have extra fabric), but that can wait until another time. I might even make a matching mini duvet cover and valance for the girls' doll house master bedroom!

(that was my dresser when I was little!)

I took these pics to show my Mom, but will post them here so you can see the valances. Sorry you can't see much of the beds. I'll try to remember to take a pic when my kiddos aren't in them (as they are right now!)!


torrie said...

Karen- they look absolutely beautiful!! Don't you just love when you surprise yourself?? (like I was surprised with my bread... and pudding! Yet on a much, much smaller scale than your *amazing projects!)

Yes- please do show us the beds!

Hollie said...

Hi Karen,

I wanted to thank you for your comment that you left on my blog a few weeks ago. It was very sweet of you to take the time to comment. Liston was such a leader and a compassionate person.

I see that you are into sewing in addition to photography..... I'm a photographer wanna be and an arts, crafts, and sewing junkie :) Although I really don't know how to do any of it all that well. Ha.

Stay Warm and thanks again!

Tanya said...

You're so talented Karen!! they are just beautiful!! the girls room looks so pretty.. xo

Michelle Vandepol said...

adorable room :)